Why Fertilab Barcelona
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With over 25 years of experience,Fertilab Barcelona is one of the reference PMA clinics in Spain, internationally recognized thanks to the personalization of treatments and therapeutic solutions for Fertility and Medically Assisted Procreation.
Honesty, ethics and transparencyof Fertilab Barcelona are key elements. They allow us to work with the greatest commitment to our patients. Thanks to the personalization and support of our care within assisted reproduction treatments, we provide our patients with a better experience as well as better clinical results.

A real personalization of treatments.
Fertilab Barcelona offers throughout the management of a treatment the same medical team, composed of a Gynecologist, a Medical Assistant, an Embryologist and an Andrologist.
In this way, we develop a quality relationship with patients, which is impossible to achieve in macro clinics.
Results above the European and American average.
Thanks to the different treatments offered, a personalized follow-up, the application of advanced technology in our IVF laboratory, the genetic study at the embryonic stage, as well as our own bank of gametes have allowed Fertilab Barcelona to obtain excellent results. clinics, twice as successful as the national average.

Innovation and technology.
Fertilab Barcelona is a pioneer in the implementation of advanced technologies and techniques such as the Embryoscope+, genetic studies at the embryonic level and preimplantation genetic diagnosis, among others.
This spirit of innovation allows the delivery rate to be higher than the European and American average.
Fertilab Barcelona is not a macro clinicor a franchise in the hands of groups of investors.
It retains its independence and its medium size to guarantee the highest quality of its personalized assisted reproduction services and meet the requirements of its patients.

Our own gamete bank. All phenotypes.
The requirement in medical and genetic research during the selection process of donors / rs of Fertilab Barcelona, has allowed us to become a major reference in terms of quality and safety of our results.