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Children's books

When they are born, where do babies go?And before that, who put the little seed in their mother's belly? And how ?
An album that answers two essential questions: where do babies go to get out of the mother's womb? Where does the little seed go? 


Sophie Ménégalli, therapist in psychotherapy, specializing in infertility and PMA support, who regularly finds herself face to face with destitute parents who do not really know how to explain to their children how they were conceived, had the idea for this book. She adapted the question "how are babies made?" to our century marked by the progress of science and societal evolution. In her book, she talks about children born from IVF, sperm donation, egg donation, double donation, surrogacy, with simple words, without taboos, without sadness and without stigma. She discusses, of course, natural conception and also adoption. This book is aimed at children, from 4 years old, as well as their parents.


Little Paul is very happybecause he has just discovered how babies are made. But his parents tell him: “Little Paul darling, for you it didn't happen like that at all. We don't know how to explain it to you..."

Luckily Owl, Elephant, Lizard and Penguin reveal to him the mystery of the medical techniques that help parents have beautiful babies!


The story of Zoup and Zoupetteevokes the path strewn with pitfalls of a conception by in vitro fertilization. If the technical aspect is suggested, the emotion and the magic which surrounds the birth are in the foreground. Parents can thus address the difficulties encountered, but above all rediscover the desire that drove their child project, that little spark that made everything possible.


This is a story to help single mothers,by choice, to share with their child how they were designed. This is the story of a squirrel, Somy, and how she became a mother. After a birthday party, she realizes she's getting old and has to decide if she wants to be a mom. She tries to meet someone and decides to donate sperm


Raphaella's story7-year-old girl born following egg donation. A lovely story written with humor and tenderness. 
​ As soon as the child begins to be interested in images, you can leave it within reach. 
Recommended by Léa Karpel Clinical Psychologist.


This book unites children and adults around the important theme of their birth and the origin of life. Cherub the magic dog has ears in the shape of angel wings that allow him to fly everywhere. This Angel Dog is the spokesperson for fertility, he will help Angelina the hen who was not laying eggs to realize her dream of having a little chick. The book opens the discussion to topics such as in vitro fertilization, egg donation, surrogacy and adoption.


The adventure of birth with the PMA 

Dr Catherine Dolto

From 10 years old


Zak's safariis the story of a child conceived by a donor in a family of two mothers. When the rain thwarts Zak's safari adventure, he invites readers to a very special visit with his family. Zak tells how his parents met and fell in love. They wanted more than anything to have a child and decided to conceive one.


My dads, the princess and the fairy is an illustrated book that helps children aged 3 to 5, through simple words and illustrations to stimulate the imagination of the youngest, to understand the concept of surrogacy (GPA ). The story is told to us by a little girl born to GPA in the United States. She explains to her cuddly toy how she was born and how her dads founded her family… all with a lot of love and imagination.

Livres pour adultes

Books for adults

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"Each year, more than 1,000 new couples request egg donation in France. This new way of becoming parents introduces an unprecedented dissociation in the history of humanity: the woman who carries the child and gives birth is not The queries of couples who have recourse to this medically assisted procreation are therefore numerous: will we recognize this baby as ours? Will he love us like his parents? How do we include him in our family line? What to tell her about the history of her conception What is the status of the donor What place will the child attribute to her Focused on the perinatal period, this book focuses on the experiences of women and men who choose to become parents through egg donation and the impact of this journey on the couple.The complexity of the psychic work generated by this new type of procreation and its effects on parenthood are often unknown to future parents and professional s. With the rigor of the scientific approach and the sensitivity of her experience as a psychologist, Marion Canneaux transmits, in a language accessible to the greatest number, clinical, ethical and societal elements of reflection, essential to better support these families. " 

This book is intended for couples who have received egg donation or who are considering it, for the professionals who accompany them before and after the birth of the child and for anyone curious to know more about this subject._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


Gautier and Lisa, after having crossed the threshold of the town hall and the church hand in hand to say “yes” to each other, decide that it is time for them to start a baby. But life has decided otherwise and the path to get there will be much longer and winding than they had imagined... For years, their lives will be punctuated by multiple examinations and medical treatments that will lead them from hope to disappointment until the day they decide to go to Spain…for the better.


PMA, IVF: an obstacle course told in comics

It is a country whose name we keep silent. A jungle of acronyms and scientific terms. We thought we would never fail. You feel alone, misunderstood. Sometimes even shameful. We experience her femininity, her masculinity, her self-esteem, her libido.


“It's the struggle of a woman to be a mother, of a man to be a father, of a couple to be happy. It is one of life's ordeals, misunderstood by others, which pushes people like us to withdraw, to fade away, to forget themselves in our daily lives. Only... People like us? Dare I pronounce the word so taboo in our society and yet lived by so many people? The infertile…”


PMA is a world apart, with its terms, its abbreviations, its dictionary! Maybe we create our own words because we, who go through IVF, need to feel surrounded, supported, united? Thus, the gynecologist is affectionately called "gygy", the future baby is often called "piou piou", the embryo is called "bryby", the oocytes "ovo", and the sperm "zozos"._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


Some couples do not have the ease of conceiving children naturally. They have to go through a PMA course which is physically and psychologically demanding. I know this course well because I lived it for 6 years.
I propose with this little guide to accompany you with sophrology and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), I accompany you professionally while testifying to my personal experience.
I took into account all our feelings, our emotional lifts, our pains, our apprehension which arrive very quickly when we become small women in this new adventure that we do not know.
Thanks to a QR Code, you have access to unlimited audio sophrology sessions.

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A courageous, poignant testimony, without embellishment and without pathos, which reveals an unexpected Laurence Boccolini, more sad clown than Wicked.


With nearly 150,000 attempts per year in France, the PMA course is, for many couples, synonymous with an obstacle course. Between the multiple interlocutors, the various and varied examinations, the resulting treatments and their effects on daily life, there is enough to become a goat! Thanks to this fully illustrated and educational "Survival Kit", discover in humor the journey of these couples in search of parenthood.


The Colibri IVF notebook is a reminder notebook (easy and light to handle) that will follow you every day of your IVF


“I started wanting a child in my early thirties, when our mothers already had several. Then I separated from my lover. And the race against the clock started at that moment, going back and forth to Barcelona since my country, France, did not allow me this battle. The biological clock is relentlessly harsh because it is nature, challenging it is not that easy.


Florence Kanban gives us here her testimony of a young woman faced with infertility when her greatest wish is to become a mother. The cause of her infertility: endometriosis, a disease that we do not talk about and which nevertheless affects one in 10 women. 


An Autumn in Madison  is an autobiographical account of the journey of a couple of men to become parents. Aborted co-parenting, passage before an examining magistrate, involved in spite of themselves in an explosive affair, they will end up choosing a GPA in the United States, in the rural state of Wisconsin.


"Far from the cliché of the fighter, manager and overinvested in her work to the point of forgetting to have children, Anne-Lise and Agathe show that the reality of late parenthood is diverse and plural."
Serge Hefez


Whether it excites, federates, mobilizes, irritates, worries or revolts, the opening of the PMA to lesbian couples and single women awakens our consciences... without our always knowing what precisely covers the techniques of medical assistance to procreation, nor the content of the changes that the famous text could introduce.
What position to adopt in the face of this major societal reform?


“A baby, a baby! he constantly asks me. Yes, but no, but no, but yes... I don't feel ready. After years of existential questions, we are finally getting started. We put heart into the work (not just heart, huh!), but no baby in sight. We reread the instructions: we do however what is necessary, where it is necessary. We get examined from top to bottom (especially the bottom) and the ax ends up falling: “You are sterile Sir...”


Published in Italy where its success was enormous, this novel reads like a diary, that of Carla, an accomplished woman.
At forty, she enjoys teaching Seneca, has charm and has found love with an almost perfect companion. But everything gets complicated when they decide to have a child… By attempting in vitro fertilization, she befriends other warm and supportive women, in the hospital or on chats. The fivettes use their own language, not devoid of humor. 


“  In thirty years, the possibilities of assisted reproduction have developed beyond what the pioneers of this field could have imagined. On the sidelines of the  majority of requests, coming from sterile couples, others have emerged, more contested : those of homosexual women and single women, who wish to benefit from insemination with a sperm donor, or to freeze their eggs for later. 


The day fell on us without warning, the glass towers reflected the raw light of the neon lights. Doumé's voice rang out: - Hi, prawns! Slept well ? I was dazzled, unhappy to have been aroused from sleep. I groaned, yawned, stretched. I was still alive. How good it was! Followed by L'Immense, Doumé inspected his flock. When he reached us, he said: - Come on, my lads, it's the big day for you! You go first. My heart skipped a beat. I knocked on the window to motivate Lara, still deep in sleep: - Come on, get up, hurry up, let's go!


“I have long believed that it was enough to be two to make a child. Eve, Adam;  a moment of eternity. Life took care of correcting me: at 27, like more and more women, I had to seek medical help to try to be a mother. At the Saint-Vincent-de-Paul hospital, I met an obstetrician-gynecologist, Sylvie Epelboin.


Vicky Camille was born in the North of France then spent her adolescence between Normandy and the Paris region. She follows her husband to Germany before returning to France to give herself every chance of becoming a mother. She now lives between Martinique and the United States with her two beautiful children.


What link should be established between medicine and psychoanalysis? What part does the unconscious take in the problematic of the body as it is conceived in medicine and how can psychoanalysis make its relevance heard? The author responds by deciphering the enigmas of the female body and sexuality in her practice as a gynecologist oriented by psychoanalysis. 


Placed on the front of the stage during the debates on same-sex marriage, same-sex parenting is disturbing. Calling into question the traditional composition of the family, it arouses passionate reactions, fertile ground for received ideas: Homosexual parents do not transmit the same values to their children, A child absolutely needs a father and a mother , We don't have enough perspective, To be homosexual or to be a parent, you have to choose, A couple of men will not know how to raise a child. Faced with the importance of the issues for parents and children alike, it is essential to shed precise and distanced light on what for many still looks like a taboo.


Defining the family as "a dad, a mom, a child" is no longer self-evident these days. Especially since it is constantly becoming more complex as society evolves. Thus with the PACS, and more recently with the "marriage for all". But medically assisted procreation is also a new way of making a family. Questioned by her stimulating grandchildren, Geneviève Delaisi de Parseval addresses all these subjects, but also, of course, the more usual cases, such as that of divorced couples and blended siblings.


For a long time I was unable to communicate with my wife about the sadness we felt at our inability to start a family. After years of silence, Juline finally manages to open up about our long journey of infertility and express what we have never really been able to say. She does not hesitate to emphasize the awkwardness of those around her or the professionals. She recounts without taboos or false modesty the vagaries of a medical conception experienced by thousands of couples in France and around the world. Between pregnancies, miscarriages and medically assisted procreation, she recounts all the hardships we have encountered with honesty and emotion.


The diary of an infertile woman who, alone in the world, had to find sisters in despair so as not to sink, and who was nourished by their strength when all around her, outside her, life generous flourished.

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